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Create Your Own is an online tool where users can make their own comics starring a whole host of Marvel characters. And flattened to look somewhat comic book-like. But Create Your Own isn’t. In Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates, Reed is revealed to be the Maker, creator of The City and leader of the Children of Tomorrow, a race of genetically engineered superhumans. He has come back to fight against the Ultimates after spending 1,000 years in the distant future - having been unable to age due to his powers - and the top of his head has been 'stretched' in order to increase his intelligence. Marvel Comics is the brand name and primary imprint of Marvel Worldwide Inc., formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. And Marvel Comics Group, a publisher of American comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide's parent company. Making Comics: McCloud digs into the process of actually writing and drawing comics. How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way: Co-written by John Buscema, Marvel’s guide to illustrating comics introduces the philosophy of comic book art in the Silver Age. Plus, it inspired pretty much every artist working in comics today. Any comic book creator.
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